
I am available to teach and facilitate online or in person around the world. Please contact me to inquire about pricing and availability.

Magdalene Wisdom Circle: I am offering a virtual Magdalene Wisdom Circle via Google Classroom and Zoom. Zoom meetings take place on the second Saturday of the month, from 8pm – 10pm Eastern. The MWC will explore Mary Magdalene through her Gospel, prayer, trance, sacred listening, and various other magical techniques.

Interested in participating? Email me and request to be added to the MWC Google Classroom.

“All that is born, all that is created,
all the elements of nature
are interwoven and united with each other.
All that is composed shall be decomposed;
everything returns to its roots;
matter returns to the origins of matter.
Those who have ears, let them hear.”

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene